3DUnity Ruins, Jesus Orillan : This is a game level look development I made in Unity for a personal project. I used SEGI instead of Enlighten lightmap baking. SEGI is a dynamic global illumination asset for Unity, It is still in development and unfortunatel
Scene objectsjean-guilhem-bargues-alien-flora2.jpg (1920×852)
A 植物PLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTS, Raphaëlle Deslandes : I drew some plants a while ago for fun! I rarely get to draw separate items so doing this was nice. I got inspired by real flora but messed with the size and shape.
美图杂烩Cancelled Project - Plants, Ken Darmadi : Some concepts from a cancelled game I had a chance to work on last year.
Designs of various alien plants the player will encounter throughout the game. Art direction by Francis Goeltner (https://www.artstation.co