视觉风格Breaking the B/O/X, Juan Camilo Vallejo : These exercises were done with the purpose of getting more confortable with Fusion 360 and Octane render. Inspire on the art of Hexeract, Oberfett and Alex Senechal.
"If someone can make a box look cool, wha
图标(箱子背包)ArtStation - Crates Concepts, George Munteanu
道具物件(现代&科幻&朋克)ELYSIUM - PROPS, Ben Mauro : Breaking up my old ELYSIUM work into more sectioned folders, sort of dumped everything together when i first setup my Artstation account way back.
游戏图标_武器装备ArtStation - Grenades concept, Juan Novelletto:
机械Субботний концепт #7 - Shazoo:
场景设计Ammo Box, Brandon Barros : Another one of KaranaK's Natural Selection 2 concepts.
W-未来科技(PACK 2) 50+ High Quality Studio HDRI, Alex Senechal : https://gum.co/studiohdri2
This collection of HIgh Quality collection of HDRI's include 50+ images that I use in my projects top make them pop. Each image comes in both 32 bit EXR and HDR at a 10k x 5