插画Fred- 104 early concept for Halo 5, Kory Hubbell : These are the result of me exploring the idea of Fred's armor/costume early on. Robogabo ended up designing the final spartan teams, but these were super fun.
【机械设计】反足,多足类机甲Space Utility Pod/ Toon render and Function, YeongJin Jeon : function of Space Utility Pod
I made a video to show you function of my latest model ''Space Utility Pod'
but I didn't rigged it completely, just show how it is changing form
I hope you enjo
喜欢的CGAshes of the Singularity - Post-Human Coalitition Tier-1 Unit Design, Bryce Homick : I was tasked with defining the look of the two factions for the game Ashes of the Singularity, by Oxide Games. I really had a lot of fun with these, particularly developi