他/她的故事兩架手提攝影機,一段從戲裡蔓延到戲外的愛情,《曾經,愛是唯一》的感動,其實只是故事的開端。 《愛是曾經》花費三年時間,貼身記錄The Swell Season 樂團這對戀人,在獲奧斯卡肯定後馬不停 蹄的巡迴與生活點滴。詩意黑白影像,將葛倫漢瑟沉重抑鬱的性格、瑪格塔伊格洛瓦對群眾簇擁的不 適應以及接續的創作壓力,拼湊起愛情最殘酷而浪漫的模樣。這不僅只是一部關於The Swell Season 樂隊的紀錄片,也是最赤裸而坦率的生活片段。
光Lipton Ad : Lipton Ad for Magazines & Newspapers.Lipton is a brand of tea belonging to Unilever and PepsiCo. Lipton was also a supermarket chain in the United Kingdom before it was sold off to Argyll Foods, to allow the company to focus solely on tea.