表现/渲染表达分析图效果图总平面图Superspace 重构布拉格胜利广场,环形凝聚成城市社交中心, Courtesy of Superspace
A-archi3xn and gerner gerner plus release details of their competition entry for the design of a new aquarium in schönbrunn zoo, vienna | 3XN Architects : 3XN and GERNER GERNER PLUS release details of their competition entry for the design of a new aquarium in S
X 效果图https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/sJlQZ18eicdGcjxE8TOWdvEFqxnD5aeJiap7t7aXp83WWIGuXibfGMmCzrkd9pgdyfribEBpAt80yOH8VZ52uWmmkw/640?wx_fmt=jpeg&tp=webp&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1