构筑】╒═╕Rios Clementi Hale Studios was commissioned to create a covered entryway for an existing Metro subway stop, and an engaging plaza surrounding it. Bordered on three sides by a multi-use project, the entry canopy and adjacent common areas artfully merge int
遮挡、美化设施(风井、地库入口)沃克艺术中心 Walker Art Center / Inside Outside + HGA : Inside Outside + HGA: 沃克艺术中心是美国顶尖的当代艺术机构之一。新的Wurtele Upper花园是重新定义博物馆主入口、加强与明尼阿波利斯雕塑花园的关系以及创建沃克艺术中心校园这个更大愿景的设计的一部分。植被的覆盖和连接它们的路径增强了入...