欧美风格(角色设计-立绘)虫源诅咒, jie zhou : 百年前一块神秘的陨石从天而降,散发着浓浓的黑气,渐渐的整个王国子民都染上了奇怪的病,身体会慢慢产生形似昆虫的变异,获得异于常人的能力,性情也会更加的暴戾。百年来王国被疫病侵蚀早已破败不堪,王子决心要找出疫病的根源,从他手中彻底结束这个诅咒
欧美设计羽之歌 Feather Song, Hou China : 好久不见,这是我参加GGAC《山海有灵》画的一套设定,后续还会画插画,希望大家喜欢和支持。
It’s been a long time since I saw it. This is a set of settings for me to participate in the GGAC "Mountain and Sea" painting. I will draw illustrations later. I hope ev
3D模型Planet of Heroes hipolies, Alexey Skrynnikov : Characters and skins I did for Planet of Heroes at Fast Forward (Mail.ru Group) during the last two years.
Art director I. Solyaev.
Faces mostly done by S. Katsukov and other artists from our team or at lea
职业角色——战士Albion Online, Artwoork Studio : ‘Albion Online’ is an online sandbox RPG game designed for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android.
Artwoork helped creating marketing images which shows the different trading and economic possibilities for the player.