Cool 插画Vol.32 有感而发的插画师 : “Do you know what Los Angeles looks like at 4:00 in the morning ?”(你知道凌晨四点的洛杉矶什么样子吗?)这是科比在回答记者问他关于为何会如此成功的原话。作为一个曾经无数次连续好几天看着凌晨一点,两点……五点,六点洛杉矶的人,可以负责任的告诉你:Zhen de bu hao kan! 所以,很多Art Center的朋友们的梦想,就是能够过上早上起床,晚上睡觉,周末能溜溜弯打打拳的正常人生活。本期的异能电台
卡地亚CARTIER - GUINZA : This project was a campaign for the opening of a new Cartier shop in Asia, commissioned by Fixstudio, a vfx studio based in Paris. I was in charge of direction, artistic direction and the motion of the film.