欧美设计羽之歌 Feather Song, Hou China : 好久不见,这是我参加GGAC《山海有灵》画的一套设定,后续还会画插画,希望大家喜欢和支持。
It’s been a long time since I saw it. This is a set of settings for me to participate in the GGAC "Mountain and Sea" painting. I will draw illustrations later. I hope ev
欧美,风格化Zombie Apocalypse, M K : The zombie crisis broke out suddenly and broke a wedding. The bridegroom was infected. The bride couldn't bear to kill her beloved. She decided to leave the bridegroom in the church, took up arms and set out to find a way to solve
人设The God of Plenty - Kupa
欧美Q版角色小女孩, 水母 mumu : 小女孩 by 水母 mumu on ArtStation.
美式半写实角色SAMSARA 轮回, Sun Chenguang : Two opposing gods, one is the god of Hunting and the other is the god of Rebirth, they are hostile to each other but together they build the cycle of life.
Hope you like it~