ZBrush IIGhost 3D, Frédéric Arsenault : Here is my 3D interpretation from the amazing design by https://www.artstation.com/loish. I absolutely love everything she does and I really wanted to do this concept justice.
Here is the original concept:
角色girl_practice, Wei Zhang : 这是我在腾讯实习中做的第一个练习,非常感谢公司导师和各位前辈们的指点。女性角色制作一直是我非常不擅长的一块,通过这次练习收获了很多,还有很多不足,慢慢修炼吧~
I chose three hair colors that I like。Which one do you prefer? \^o^/
三维模型_卡通角色_静帧FF7(1997)-Tifa, ChenLin Tsai : hello there, this is my favorite character in FF7(1997) Tifa
Hope you like it~