3D卡通Beauty, Leonardo Viti : Another quick project. Modeled in Zbrush, Texturing in Substance Painter and rendered in Renderman. Based on a Eric Anthony's sketch. https://www.instagram.com/ericanthonyj/?hl=en
Marta BevacquaMarta Bevacqua 人像摄影作品【about twins】 - 人像摄影 - CNU视觉联盟
影-视-海报来自足尾的女人 足尾から来た女
【游戏设定】刺客信条:奥德赛Victoria - Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Gary Riley : Victoria model created for the new Assassins Creed Odyssey. Follow me at: https://www.instagram.com/garyriley31/
Sculpted from scratch (no scan data) in Zbrush and textured using Substance Painter and Pho