Filippo Ubertino12_Grenades Original Concepts - Cyberpunk 2077, Filippo Ubertino_13
无主之地3Borderlands 3 Tediore-11
建模渲染图片[3]-科幻手雷套装 Sci-Fi Grenades Set-魔酷网
3D角色场景模型-游戏次时代CGA Personalized SMG
外设Stun Grenades for Oceanic, Alex Senechal : The second grenade concept I did for Oceanic, It's a flashbang, I wanted to make it somewhat scifi but still have a strong familiar archetype.
SF WeaponsStun Grenades for Oceanic, Alex Senechal : The second grenade concept I did for Oceanic, It's a flashbang, I wanted to make it somewhat scifi but still have a strong familiar archetype.