Game UIParagon - Mastery System : With the new Paragon patch V42, The New Dawn, BEHOLDER was tasked with designing and creating artwork for the updated Mastery system. Included below are systems we helped design and create while collaborating with the talented P
场景-近未来.n3 workshop tribute artboards., Serge Aleynikov : This images was created, as the tribute project for the N3 Workshop design studio, where I worked for the five years. Hi-Res materials will be used on the site of company, motion ID and prints.
F-绘画—氛围感Smoke series : This series of artwork was inspired by the short film None by Ash Thorp.The names used are for the sake of filling in the titles, and not in proper order.Recycled the old models that I've downloaded from the Internet or are from Daz3d.