工业设计Alone - Food waste processor : 'Alone' is a food waste processor for single-person households suffering from food waste disposal. Most single-person households cannot throw away food waste immediately because of the low amount of food waste generated pe
ID设计软硬结合,丹麦设计团队 GamFratesi 为 Ligne Roset 打造“Trouf”桌 想想家里的茶几、桌子,总是坚硬的、尖角的,不够温馨,于是法国家居品牌 Ligne Roset 邀请丹麦设…
按键|旋钮Industrial Design Trends and Inspiration - leManoosh : leManoosh is an industrial design ressource to learn and find inspiration with the latest trends in the industrial product design industry and sketches