英雄联盟 原画探险家 伊泽瑞尔 ——青花瓷 (角色设计图)国人画师:“37今天画画了吗 @微博 ” 画作 Steve Zheng
角色设计K/DA - League of Legends Fan Skin, Shen YH : I’m a big fan of League of Legends and K/DA.
so I chose some of my favorite champion - Miss Fortune,Riven,Lux and Syndra, try to make their K/DA fan skin.
Let them become superstars!
Hope you like it!
欧美,风格化Coven Akali
英雄联盟 原画风暴之怒 迦娜——女主播 (拳头公司原画设计师 Zeronis 设计画作)
lollolololol欲望之主 泽拉斯、秩序之舌 塔姆——(角色设计图)国人画师 “愚子CiteMer @微博” 画作 Citemer Liu
Y-英雄联盟K/DA - ALL OUT, Nancy Kim : I had the amazing opportunity to contribute some concept work for the new K/DA skins, and got to work with a lot of crazy talented people.
Big thanks and to the entire team that brought this whole vision together, and big shou