建筑Multiple windows or castle : This is my favourite!! The picture is big, so you can choose your fav window or use it as a background This shot was taken by my father Obviously I have all the permissions to share on dA He travel...
灵感 ·【建筑框架】(11) Pinterest
场景图片素材Passive cooling & heating, I especially like the concept of adding humidity through a conservatory
有意思的建筑照片ArtStation : ArtStation is the leading showcase platform for games, film, media & entertainment artists.
最好的时光在路上Hot water springs at Grutas de Tolantongo, Hidalgo, México。墨西哥伊达尔戈托兰通戈溶洞温泉。在墨西哥城以北约200公里伊达尔戈州境内的托兰通戈,有一处从溶洞(Grutas de Tolantongo)流出的天然温泉,潺潺汇入托兰通戈河。托兰通戈所在的梅斯基塔尔山谷位于跨墨西哥火山带内,其地热形成的温泉由岩洞和山体内内流出,汇入托兰通戈河时与冷水混合。岩洞内的水温在35-40摄氏度左右,而河水水温大约为20来度。由于夹带了矿物盐,托兰通戈的河水在太阳