Game UIUi and FUI for movies, games and tests : Some Ui, FUI and general Graphic design pieces made for job tests, Cancelled of fictitious games and films. Basically Old stuff that could be better but I kinda like it, haha!
K 科幻元素<div class="mfp-bottom-bar"><div class="mfp-title"></div><div class="mfp-counter">7 of 10</div></div>
gui_HUDTOZ Turbo Drive : A test of fictional user interface
Space_CraftsAIPD - Playership, Sebastian Schröder : For the ship i did the modeling, baking, shader and preparing the wear and tear masks. Concept and final textures by Peter Boehme
S赛博朋克Machine minds : Should you be worried about AI? From seductive Siris to algorithm market-crashers, we explored the real and potential dangers of our robot friends for BBC Future.