绘制 飞行器Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, Victor Kam : Vehicles I worked on with the amazing guys at Black Bird Interactive.
All of these are textured with Substance Designer and modeled in 3Ds Max.
机械IDRIS - STAR CITIZEN, Neil McKnight : After prototyping the Gladius workflow that seemed to work for the smaller ships, I then explored how we could achieve the same level of detail on the capital ships. For the smaller ships nearly 100% of the panel line
A飞行器IFCC Workshop, Geoffrey Ernault : As requested, here's the stuff I showed at IFCC émoticône smile
The first part, 'Kyozist', focused on demonstrating how to quickly find ideas that also bring something to the table in terms of gameplay.
The idea was to g
车 船 舰艇Sevenn Ship, Studio Qube : One more spaceship, a bit more colourful this time. The idea was that the cockpit would separate from the main body when docking (also leaving an opportunity for modularity).