Editorial designMEI NONG OIL-PAPER UMBRELLA / 美濃油紙傘 | lymma 最優質的華人設計師創作社群 : Type | Activity Visual design
Design |Yi-Hsuan Li / 李宜軒
Date | July . 2015
The structure of Oil-paper umbrella is extremely beautiful and so as the hand-made tactile quality. I think Oil-paper u
品牌设计3D 写实 甜品 面包 烘焙 店铺 品牌 视觉 VI 设计 矢量 素材 (5)
VI设计咖啡品牌和包装 (34)_thumbnail
中国风Oil-paper Umbrella : Poster Design : Oil-paper umbrella is extremely beautiful, it’s not only a symbol of Chinese culture but also have a long history. We apply the design with simply few colors and elements which is consistent with the concise style of O