{国外}加拿大 Brian SumInktober 2019 - week 5, Brian Sum : Finally finished!!! This was a grueling month but I'm glad I tried it this year. Definitely learned a lot during the process. I'll color and detail up some of these to add to my upcoming mech/hardsurface artbook. Planni
Tomi Väisänen 芬兰3D艺术家 来自育碧的真肝帝Tomi Väisänen:由Chocolatesoop工作室在Instagram上发起的“机器人大游行(March of Robots!)”挑战赛,他也进行了参与,在3月份一整个月中一共创作了31个机器人作品。
{国外}加拿大 Brian SumInktober 2019 - week 5, Brian Sum : Finally finished!!! This was a grueling month but I'm glad I tried it this year. Definitely learned a lot during the process. I'll color and detail up some of these to add to my upcoming mech/hardsurface artbook. Planni
{国外}加拿大 Brian SumInktober 2019 - week 5, Brian Sum : Finally finished!!! This was a grueling month but I'm glad I tried it this year. Definitely learned a lot during the process. I'll color and detail up some of these to add to my upcoming mech/hardsurface artbook. Planni