拍摄参考Photo by Prada Beauty on October 16, 2023. May be an image of one or more people, lipstick, makeup, fragrance, cosmetics, perfume and text that says 'PRADA REVEAL PuMoTK PADAEVEAL 주|전 OUNIA PRA.DA PRADA PPAЛA PAL ወለ REVEAL FOUNDATIO rrArA PRADA FOUNDATI P
B-摆拍Photo by freshian 프레시안 on November 06, 2023. May be an image of one or more people, makeup, fragrance, hand cream, Easter egg, perfume, paper weight, bar soap and text that says 'freshían Pursue Beauty In Both Sensuality And Performance'.
B-摆拍极修简说|可以触摸的光 - 小红书
prada beautyPhoto by Prada Beauty on January 14, 2024. May be an image of one or more people, lipstick, makeup, cosmetics and hand cream.