ID_工具20V U20 2.0Ah Cordless Inflator - Inflator without Battery
消费电子类6° : AP-1015 / Air PurifierThe AP-1015 is an air purifier with a 4-step filter system to remove fine dust, viruses, harmful gases, odors, etc. from a 33 square meter area.The most prominent design concept was "sloping". Previous air purifiers em
简约-设计ZJ-R : ZJ-R uses a few parts to realize the shell assembly of the lighter. The button and mask are integrated to form a new user experience by pressing, sinking and releasing. ZJ-R使用少数部件实现火机的外壳组装。按键与遮罩做为一体化,通过按压下沉释放,形成新的用户体验。