机械Kerrigan, Eat A Snickers. You Get A Little Angry When You're Hungry.
CGSurvivor 2 by fightPUNCH - Darren Bartley - CGHUB
废土 末世 蒸汽char_003, Gregory Vlasenko : Character and sketches from the competition (AIII GRAFIT studio + SIXMOREVODKA art challenge). The task was to create a character from the world of Degenesis. I tried to get out of my comfort zone and was glad to participate.
J机械(人物)Krieger, Hiroaki Nakanishi
插画Fred- 104 early concept for Halo 5, Kory Hubbell : These are the result of me exploring the idea of Fred's armor/costume early on. Robogabo ended up designing the final spartan teams, but these were super fun.