科幻、赛博朋克uiStar Citizen - Crusader Holo Globe (2D Assets), Gavin Bird : I was the UI artist in charge of the info screens that showed on the Crusader holo globe in the recent Gamescom demo, as well as some console screens for the pressure chamber.
Working along si
欧美风 科技风 赛博朋克-界面(写实、扁平)
ui【盘点科幻大片中的交互界面】好莱坞大片中,总是能够看到相当炫酷的科技装备和场景,尤其是那些人机交互界面,不仅有着接近现实的细节展示,而且十足的科技感十足总是能让人心向往之。以下将为大家呈现一组好莱坞大片中超酷的人机交互界面和场景,一起来领略一下未来科技的独特魅力吧。 via 网易科技