A素材-机械装置Audio System — DENNIS SEDOV : Audio Speaker System designed by Dennis Sedov
茶叶包装【徽小生 红茶绿茶包装】正宗徽茶 by 小狼君 Langcer Lee : 山水上,草木间徽小生又一系列茶品包装上市【茶品】是成为当下被大众接受的普遍饮品,而茶作为【礼】更是屡见不鲜。本次设计基于安徽特产绿茶红茶,更多是面向当地游客及喜爱茶文化的消费者。因此,本次设计的理念希望在传达出徽茶本身特有的贵族文化气息的同时,融入现代化的一些元素和色彩,来更广泛的面向受众人群,达到文化与时尚相结合,给人深刻印象。
产品This boat-mounted action-camera focuses on the surfer while they’re busy focusing on the waves - Yanko Design : The Wave Catcher was designed to combine the best parts of a drone and a GoPro. The action camera basically packs a drone's mechanical gimbal a