度假别墅印际 - Adam Jordan x Three Mile Harbor : Adam Jordan完成了位于纽约东汉普顿的一座当代典型的住宅。这座由Adam Jordan设计的阴暗、忧郁的临时住所坐落在令人垂涎的海岸线上,俯瞰着纽约东汉普顿的三英里港。暗色调、自然材质和丰富的纹理被柔和的光线衬托出来。住宅主要面向水,围绕着庭院组织,使住宅几乎每一点都能看到水。这种联系以及丰富的黑色材料是记录汉普顿这座独特住宅的优先事项。
海岛素材ЯĒ - Morq : ЯĒ Our intention is to design a “secret” shelter, a retreat for the everyday life of our clients. Strategically located at the top of a ridge with plunging views towards the Ionian Sea, the design proposes a hidden structure firmly anchored in