迪士尼&皮克斯&美漫Wizard : In the sky of the Bubble Witch Universe, the legend of dragons is going to reborn... Join Ray, an apprentice magician and his faithful dragon Drausus to protect magic and bring back the glory to the Islands of Avalon!
动漫 卡通 涂鸦[回不去的童年]送给那些已经长大但童心未泯的“熊孩子”们。
Y-原画Remhoogte : New labels for Remhoogte's mid range. The name for each wine had such good stories to make illustrations of.
人设 / 欧美卡通Shardbound - Vein Waker, Didier Nguyen : Character Design I've done for Shardbound.
"Vein Waker is a melee unit that belongs to the green faction in Shardbound and uses his jade pickaxe to destroy!! His special power is an ability to select an adjac