国外品牌(家具)公司作品1999年,René Chyba开始与包括AxelKufus, E15,Magis, Agape, Alu, Studio Carollo 在内的国际著名品牌及建筑工作室合作。HC28
【家具】Mimi Stool : Thick and shapely solid wood stays well-grounded. Use Mimi as a stool, side table or room emotional support companion. Mimi comes capped with a leather pad for added comfort and savoir faire.
B-单品 ▏凳子类Thick and shapely solid wood stays well-grounded. Use Mimi as a stool, side table or room emotional support companion. Mimi comes capped with a leather pad for added comfort and savoir faire. | Blu Dot Mimi Stool in Black / Camel Leather