B装饰性-家具Maitland-Smith Marble Table with Brass Inlay
茶几、餐桌等Coffee Table Engraved Aquatinted Maillechort & Organic Resin. Edition: Unique piece. It’s an organic representation of the famous symbol peace and Love, like branches of trees which cross naturally. It’s like using a magnifying glass to see it and, t
矮凳Fan Stool Black : Originally a dramatic and sculptural take on a British design classic, Fan is available as a high back chair, dining chair, stool and table. The stools and chairs have a black leather seat pad, while the chairs feature a curved back, off
B=茶几边几(3) Pinterest
C 茶几,角几The Diego Dining Table expresses a graceful balance of a hand hammered, bronze finished base with a richly textured, sandblasted teak top. The combination is stylish, but remains natural, resulting in a fresh approach to an array of updated design setting