B-不错(杂类)Condensation and Ripples 凝結與漣漪-台東縣原住民文創聚落藝術駐村創作展 : 以金屬立方體為視覺主軸,將動態流體的漣漪波紋交互生成於立方體的六個面上,沈穩內斂的深藍色,搭配象徵駐村創作心血的金屬立方體,方體的面產生的波動,體現出主題動與靜的衝突共存概念。With ripples simulated on six faces, the metallic cube is set as the main body of design. There are three key elemen
参考知识星球 | 深度连接铁杆粉丝,运营高品质社群,知识变现的工具
视觉VIcondensation ripples design Taitung artist creations 台東 TTICC fiesta festivals
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